It's been a week since my first blog and it's been quite a busy week. As well as setting up the blog I set up a Facebook page and got started on Twitter and Instagram. And as well as that I found some time for arting.
Last week saw the final spreecast for the Painting the Feminine e-course. I really got so much out of it that it's hard to do it justice in a few words here. So, I've decided that I will do a review of the course in a week or so once I've had time to reflect on it. I was amazed at the volume of work that I created during the course and all in all I was really quite pleased with what I produced. I actually made a video flip through of all my paintings which I then shared with the group; I so enjoyed making the video.
A friend sent me this sweet little journal for one of my other passions - gardening. Lots of pages in it for recording what's going on in the garden as well as plans and dreams for it. I've decided that I'm going to make it my Garden Art Journal and to this end I've been taking some snaps of flowers and plants that are out at the moment. I might prints some of these and glue them in or I might use them as inspiration for drawings; more than likely I'll do both. Looking forward to starting it.
The image to the right is the first stage of the completed journal page at the top of this post. I didn't have anything in mind when I started the page and what came out at the end I was quite surprised at. But that is the joy of art journaling and intuitive painting.
This week also saw me set up my new studio space which I'm really excited about. It's not very grand and it's in one of the outbuildings at home but I repurposed some furniture and I've now got all my supplies organised and put away. And I've got my little art desk that I can work at as well as space on the walls to display paintings. I've recently received some items from other artists as part of art swaps and these will also go up in my studio for inspiration. I'm just so pleased to have some space to call my studio.
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